DC114: Directional Coupler for WR340 Waveguide

DC114 is a small-housing directional coupler intended for sampling incident or reflected waves in high-power 2450 MHz industrial applications using an WR340 (R26) rectangular waveguide.

The coupler is fixed to the waveguide with six M3 or similar-diameter screws after machining of appropriate openings in the broad waveguide wall.

Simply reversing the coupler causes it to sample the wave propagating in the opposite direction.

Frequency range 2425 – 2475 MHz
Coupling factor / Max input power -50 dB / 3 kW
-60 dB / 30 kW
-70 dB / 50 kW
Directivity 25 dB min
Output connectors Nf or SMAf
VSWR (N, SMA) 1.25 max
Waveguide of destination WR340